Pamela Matthews (BSc, MFA)
"Paddle Song" (Musical) - Woodland Cultural Centre/McMaster University/Westben
“Dead White Writer” - Centre for Indigenous Theatre
"fareWel” - Magnus Theatre, Thunder Bay
“The Wringer” - DeDwaDaDesNye>s Aboriginal Health Centre
“The Malaysia Hotel” - Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
“The Baby Blues” - Native Earth Performing Arts with Lynda Hill
“Someday” - Magnus Theatre, Thunder Bay
“Saved” - Equity Showcase Theatre
“The Mystery of Grey Owl” - Weesageechak Festival, Native Earth Performing Arts
“Godly’s Divinia” - Aboriginal Voices Festival
“Two Words” - Wordworks, Solar Stage Theatre
“Romeo igwa Juliet” (Adaptation) - Weesageechak Festival, Native Earth Performing Arts
“The Soul Song of La Loba” - Harlem Arts Festival, New York
“The Eight-Minute Hamlet” - Lincoln Center Director’s Lab, NYC
“Karis” - Cahoots Theatre Projects, “Lift Off” Workshop
"The Rez Sisters" - Factory Theatre with Ken Gass
“Four Hundred Kilometers” - Two Planks and A Passion Theatre
“Passion” (Musical) - Canadian Stage Company
“Arcadia” - Canadian Stage Company
“Diva Ojibway” (Musical) - Native Earth Performing Arts
“Lady of Silences" - Native Earth Performing Arts
Pauline Johnson
See "Paddle Song"
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